Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Inspection Time

I went to work yesterday thinking it would be a normal day. It wasn't. I come in and my sister tells me not to be intimidated, but there are inspectors in the kitchen. Of course I immediately get intimidated, but I tried not to show it. I go back into the kitchen and start doing what I'd normally do. The inspectors are going in and out of the kitchen checking things, then they bring food back into the kitchen to try. After they finished the food they started talking to me more, which was intimidating. After they asked their questions they continued to talk to me and I found out they're really nice and cool. (Awesome!) I got to ask tips on cooking some of the food to their liking.

When it was just about time for me to leave they started thanking me and telling me they loved how much pride I took in my job and that, that's something very hard to find in people now. I was about 2 seconds from doing a dance, I was so excited! I'm sure the smile on my face was huge and possibly goofy. I left for the day feeling super great about my job and how well I do.
See I'd been worried about it. I was so afraid I wasn't cooking everything as well as I should; I knew I was cooking it as well as I knew how to and I tried my hardest. It was just.. amazing (doesn't even seem a strong enough word) to hear inspectors tell me that I was doing a good job and that they appreciated it! Don't mind me on Cloud 9 over here LOL

As happy as I was I knew they still were going to teach me to be a cashier and move me into the store :-( .... But this leads to a whole new post, which took place today....

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