Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Soon To Be Another Painted Room!

3 months and 16 days left until my EDD! The nursery hasn't been painted yet, but it'll be getting painted soon. Then we just need to get everything put where it's going and buy a few things (or get them from the Baby Shower/family) It's not like he'll be sleeping in the nursery for a few months anyways so it's not like there's a huge rush, but I would like to have it all done just so it's finished when he needs it.

I'm so excited to know that another room in the house will be painted and furnished. And by furnished I mean not just a hodge podge of stuff in the room. Hopefully the next room to get painted will be the Dining Room, which we have the paint for so I'm pretty sure it will be next. It's not like we want to have kids back to back so I shouldn't have to paint the reading room to be a nursery for a couple of years.

Yes, that's right my kids will have different rooms, even if they are the same gender. If you have an "extra" room than your kids should have their own rooms. If that room was made into example: an office, well I suggest you find somewhere else to put all your office stuff. Kids need to have their own rooms. They can drag toys into each others rooms if they want to play so a Play Room isn't needed. I always played in my room and I think that's where kids should play. Now if you live somewhere that doesn't have that extra room than I completely understand, but I know of people where that isn't the case. Now if the kids want to share a room fine, but even then I think that at a certain age they should be separated that way they don't become to dependent on each other and they learn to live their own lives and be their own person. A place of their own for alone time and to express their creativity.

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