Wednesday, October 2, 2013

4 Year Anniversary

10/3/09 I married Miles. Tomorrow, which starts in about 10 minutes we'll have been married 4 years! 

I know compared to some that number seems SO small, but in all reality compared to most marriages today that's a huge milestone. 

I'd be lying if I said that these 4 years had been easy. We've fought and disagreed, been mad and wanted to kill each other just like any other married couple. I wish I could say we fought all our battles on our own, but to be honest my parents and God himself have had to step in "a few" times to help us out. (Thank you!)

People always say how hard marriage is, but it's just one of those things that you really don't understand just how hard it is until you're there.. In a big pile of dept, in a fight with your spouse, at home alone depressed, or whatever other thing comes along. And just wait until you add a little one into the mix! 

I'm happy and proud to say that I've been married for 4 years. I've done what some people couldn't. I fought the fights, cried the tears, been depressed, felt alone, and still stuck to it (with help). I think a lot of marriages are failing because they refuse to let someone help. Trust me it's not fun asking for help, but it's needed and you need the type of people around who are going to help you even when you frankly just want to give up. I've always been upset because so many people have went on and got degrees or they have something awesome that they've accomplished and here I feel like I've done nothing, but I've done something that some of them "can't" do. Do I still want my thing that I look and say "wow that was an awesome accomplishment!"? Yes, of course I do. I want that degree. I want that job. But for now I've accomplished being married for 4 years and being a mommy for 1 year, both of which are a pretty big deal. 

Happy or sad, good or bad, "rich" or poor, we made it to 4! 

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