Thursday, January 30, 2014

Depression, stir crazy, and fohawk issues

Since Miles has been on 2nd shift the things with my depression have gotten better... 

Well besides the depression from this stupid, never ending weather! Seriously get warm already!!!!!!!

 I'm going stir crazy. I'm stuck in the house all day besides when I go to work, shop for groceries, or going to my Mom's. But Mom's is only a 1 minute drive so it's not much of an outing. 

I cannot wait to go outside and take walks, just sit outside, grilling, bike rides, taking pics of the lovely outdoors, etc. sad to say I would even like to now at this point! 

I know poor Seth is not happy being inside all the time, but I'm not going to let him go outside and get sick or worse. It's been way to cold for a toddler to be outside. Lucky for him he has a lot of family that loves him and has gotten him lots if toys. There's no shortage I things for him to play with. 

Speaking of Seth he'll be getting his first haircut here soon! His hair is getting far to long. We can't even get his fohawk to stick up right because the length of his hair! 

I hope you all have a great night!   

Please Let Me Win!

Once again I've entered myself into a contest to win a free package. How many of you gave done this? Do you sit back like me and think, "yeah, I'm not going to win. I never win."? But then you still fill it out. 
I've won something once. I'd guessed the closest about how many jelly beans or something were in a bowl at a baby shower :) I was delighted when I found out that for once I won! 
I'm really hoping to win this package. Money is involved and since we've had Seth there's just no such thing as enough money! It's not that we're out wasting our money we just have a ton of bills and debts. We've gotten rid of a lot of things that weren't necessary to try to free up some money, but somedays it feels like that didn't help at all. 
Now I know that God will supply all my needs and that one day these debts will be paid off, I'm just praying that it's sooner rather than later. 

In case you're curious we gave up: 
I went to a cheaper cell plan
Stopped driving my Explorer (doesn't work anyways)
Canceled the insurance on my explorer
Go out to eat less
Go out/drive less (in other words we're almost always home)
I even eat less most days (I'm not starving by any means just eating less than normal which is actually healthier) 
Adjusted our house temperature to a less comfortable setting (by a couple of degrees nothing huge, have to keep our son warm) 
Also we're in WIC to help get food for Seth.   

So we're trying. It's just we don't make enough to pay all the bills (at least not the amount they want.) I know everyone goes through this at sometime, which is a reason why I don't mind just being honest about what we're going through.  

Maybe our list of things we got rid of will help someone else find ways to cut money and pay off more debt. Hope it did! 


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

2nd Shift

Miles is working second shift now and it is amazing! I love finally having him home at night. He gets up in the morning with Seth and I, it feels more like a family :) 

I'm so thankful that God has blessed us so much! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Family First

Are you aware that adults are just bigger, taller kids? We all technically know that, but are you completely aware of it? All we want is your time, your attention, and your love. 

To many people are putting things above what's really important, like family time. Family time is set aside and things like work, gyms, games, and even cleaning have been put as the top priorities. Now there's nothing wrong with any of those things, but when you barely get family time and you suddenly have the chance for it and those things are put first it's not right. 

Families that don't spend time together fall apart. It's that simple. So, so what you've got some dirty dishes, unfolded laundry, and signs that you live in your house! At the end of your life the only thing you'll remember is the shared and treasured moments with the ones you love most. 

Now I'm not saying to have a filthy house with moldy dishes, clothes all over the rooms, toys out from here to there, and only a path to walk in, please do clean your home, but remember that a completely clean, never dirty house is an impossible thing to accomplish. So stop driving yourself crazy over the impossible!  No ones house always looks like a magazine cover not even the house that's previewed on it! 

Remember your family they're important! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Mental Update

Hi there, everyone! It's been awhile I know. 

Everything has been busy and to be perfectly honest, even on the antidepressant I feel the old, depressed me coming out again. I'm not sure if it's just the business of the Holidays and bills after spending money on gifts, mixed with about 50 other things or if maybe i just need a higher dose. 
Miles is going to 2nd shift!! :) so I'm going to wait and see if this upcoming change helps my mood at all.
 If after maybe a month of his new schedule I don't feel better then I'll get ahold of my doctor and see what he wants to do. 

That's, I guess, the best update I can give you on my mental state. 

I hope you're all having a great start to your new year! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ode To My Postpartum Body- by We Seek Joy

Click on the link above to read another bloggers perfect blog on the Ode To My Postpartum Body. Every Mother I know will probably agree with this. 

   I've looked at all the marks and fat left on my body from having my son and I've felt like everyone else that it was ugly and gross, but We Seek Joy helped me to look at it differently. So I hear by rename my stretch marks "love marks" 

   Please take a few minutes to head over to her blog and read what she's said. Enjoy! 

New Year 2014

I hope you all had an awesome New Years. I wish I could say I did, but unfortunately I've been sick and exhausted. I slept through the celebration time and woke up feeling worse than I did the day before :(

    I'm so thankful for a New Year, but I'm also thankful that God doesn't just grant us new mercies on New Year, he gives us a new slate every day. 

    I know a lot of people set New Years resolutions, but I typically don't do that. One of my friends on Facebook said it best when she said "I don't plan on making a huge list of the things that I plan to change this new year. I'm going to continue to do me and maybe fix a few things on the way. The new year shouldn't be the only incentive for people to change." Most of the time we don't stick to our resolutions anyways and new year shouldn't be the only incentive to make a better you. When you notice something that needs fixed fix it don't wait until new year because you won't do it then either. 

     If I was to set a list of resolutions I'm sure I would bore you (or possibly entertain you?!) for hours with page after page of the flaws that I need to fix, but there's no point because I probably won't get then all fixed by the end of this year not without an army of angels and a whole lot of God ( for the emptional and spiritual flaws). I have some hurts that I can't seem to get past no matter how hard I try, it's not one or 2 little things it's multiple things from probably just about every year of my life so it's going to take God. I'll also need an army, drill sergeant, and more God for the physical flaws. "Feel the burn!" Lol. 

     Which brings me to my next amazing post! I hope you all read it and love it just as much as I do! It's another bloggers post and I think it's perfect. Enjoy! 

Christmas was awesome

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! I had one of the best Christmases I've had with my family and with my in-laws that I've ever had (2 seperate events) it wasn't that we got all the presents we wanted or that our food was 5 star restaurant worthy, but it was about having fun together with family. It didn't matter if we were talking or whatever else we were together and everything just clicked! I hope all the Christmases will be like this one, but I know that's probably asking to much. Even if next Christmas is awful I'm thankful for the ones I had this (well now last) year!