Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I Complain To Much

I complain to much! It's true.

I'm blessed! I know I am.

But like all humans I will always want more or better things. And that gets in the way.

So shall I name some of the ways that I am blessed?
I shall.

1. I have a home of my own
2. I have a great husband
3. I have a wonderful son
4. I have a working, dependable vehicle
5. I have a job.. technically I have 2! Lol.
6. I have an amazing Mom who is always there for me (Should I get an I <3 haha="" just="" kidding="" mom="" p="" tattoo="">7. I have food in the cabinets and the fridge
8. I have a great church
9. God woke me up this morning
10. God gave me air to breathe

And of course there's more, but I'm a little distracted at the moment with eating and feeding Seth.
I hope you all feel blessed. I also hope you all have a great day! 

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