Sunday, December 9, 2012

One Year Later

It's December! This year has flown by! My tree is up and decorated all pretty :) My cats have been playing with the tree and the ornaments... Wouldn't be Christmas time if they didn't.

Ok, now to what I really want to say.

Around this time last year my husband and I decided to try to have a baby. And about a week from now is when I supposedly became pregnant. I'm still not sure how the whole mathematics of pregnancy goes, I just got pregnant and had the baby, the Doc got to do the math.

Now I look and there's no trying to get pregnant, no big pregnant belly, just a precious baby boy that God blessed my husband and I with.

I learned a lot this year. About myself, about my husband, about being a pregnant woman, about feeling sick all the time!, how it feels to not be able to do something for myself, and about how to be a mommy. I still have a lot to learn in each of these, but I'm glad that I can say that I actually learned a lot this year. It wasn't a year wasted.

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