Thursday, August 18, 2011

Change The Way You See It..

I was looking at this blog and one of his post talked about changing the way you see something. So now I'm suddenly wondering how many things have I been looking at wrong? Family, friends, my views on things in life, etc. I know I've looked at things wrong before. Example: I've been to 3 different churches in my 21 years and at 2 of them we've left and went back again (kinda like the one I'm in now) Anyways, I've found myself being upset about the friendships that they have and how I feel left out at times, which to me made no sense at all since they all know me, but then I took a step back and realized that had I stayed at the church I'm sure I would be close to them. Another example: I moved from Frankfort to Lafayette and then back to Frankfort, each time I was of course leaving friends behind. I couldn't possibly spend the money on gas to go back and forth to see them and pay for entertainment. Well, they have new friends (or not new friends) and I see that they all get to hangout and have fun and I feel left out. Once again I was looking at it wrong, it's partially my fault that things are the way they are I haven't made the effort.

I will admit that I have never been very good at being a friend. I don't have much to say so phone conversations are weird and texting is boring when you aren't really saying anything so I don't do that, skyping is the same (basically) as being on the phone so none of that, and then the no money for going out and doing things so, yeah, not really any good way for me to keep up with my friend's lives. I've really got to work on that. I know I've had some good friends, good friends that I've let down. And I've said I'm sorry a million times so I'm not going to say it again, but I really am going to try better... it'd be easier if my husband would try with me... I'll see what I can do.

Be patient with me please, I have a lot to learn still, especially about being social.

Have a great day!

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